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In 1944, the Journal of Commerce published the announcement of a new company, the John H. Sellen Construction Co., officially formed Dec. 9, 1944. The first bid submitted by the new firm was to the U.S. Navy for construction of a recreation building at fanduel casino the navy radio station on Bainbridge Island. Sellen won that bid for $153,900.

The second bid Sellen recorded was for the installation of hangar doors for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Boeing Field. Sellen won it for $33,105 on Dec. 21, 1944. In less than two weeks, the new firm fanduel online casino reviews had won two new contracts.

In 2024, Sellen celebrated the 80-year mark. While much has changed, what’s surprising is what hasn’t. We’ve spent the past decades guided by the philosophy that we can make a positive impact by bringing success to our partners and our community.

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